Wednesday, September 11, 2013

1,000 misplaced votes extend Cathy McGowan’s lead over Sophie Mirabella in Victorian seat of Indi (ABC) - ( 4U5TR4L14 )

The Australian Electoral Commission has confirmed it has found 1,000 misplaced votes in favour of independent candidate Cathy McGowan for the northern Victorian seat of

Liberal frontbencher Sophie Mirabella is battling to hold on to her seat, which she held by a margin of 9 per cent in the face of a strong challenge from Ms McGowan.

The votes will see Ms McGowan’s lead extended to 1,700 votes on a two-candidate preferred basis.

The votes were found at the Wangaratta pre-polling station after the AEC revealed there were 1,000 more Senate votes lodged at the station than those for the House of Representatives.

The AEC says the votes were counted on the night but not entered into the computer system.

Steve Kennedy from the AEC says an administration error is to blame for the discrepancy.

“On the McGowan box of first preference votes a one was put there instead of a two so it was 1115 rather than 2115,” he said.

“In all the confusion in the early hours of Sunday someone has written the incorrect number, that’s why we do this recounting and rechecking.”

AEC staff are now counting pre-poll, postal and absentee votes, which usually favour the incumbent.

Labor and Greens preferences will flow to Ms McGowan.