Thursday, September 12, 2013

Politicians trade blows over Tasmania’s rising jobless rate (ABC) - ( 4U5TR4L14 )

The Tasmanian Government is reaffirming its commitment to create jobs, after the ninth rise in the unemployment rate in as many months.

Another 500 Tasmanians lost their job in August, bumping up the state’s unemployment rate to 8.6 per cent, a rise of 0.2 per cent.

The statistics mean 21,500 people are looking for work but they also show almost 26,000 workers are searching for more hours, and more than half are women.

The jobless rate has increased by one per cent since December when the State Government unveiled a $ 25 million jobs package.

The Attorney-General Brian Wightman says it is disappointing but it will take time to stimulate growth.

He rejects suggestions the rising unemployment rate means his government is doing a bad job.

“There are a number of external factors that have put pressure on the unemployment rate in Tasmania,” he said.

“Obviously a manufacturing base, a high Australian dollar, the fact that we are an export-driven economy in particular has played a role in the unemployment rate.

“We remain absolutely committed to creating jobs in this state.”

Opposition says it has the answers

The Shadow Treasurer, Peter Gutwein, says the Liberal policies to underwrite an international shipping service and revoke the forest peace deal are the answer.

“With a strong stable majority government, a government that can make decisions, a government that can set a direction, a government that can implement its plan, we can turn these numbers around,” said Mr Gutwein.

The Shadow Treasurer would not be drawn on the merits of the jobs package.

“What we need is a strong stable Hodgman-led majority government.”

Mr Wightman hit back.

“The Liberal Party’s plan is also to axe another 500 jobs from the Tasmanian public service and I don’t know how that will improve the unemployment rate in Tasmania.”

The Chamber of Commerce and Industry says the State Government must urgently overhaul planning laws and reduce the cost of doing business in Tasmania.

Jobs agency boss Melissa Robinson says the business community must also do more to create jobs.

“I think that the opportunities need to come from business within Tasmania,” she said.

“Obviously the Government have to try and stimulate jobs but the initiative and the innovation has to come from within the business community.

“If you’re applying for a lot of jobs and not hearing anything that can certainly impact the self esteem.”

The State Government predicted its jobs package would create about 3,000 jobs and attract more than $ 350,000 worth of private investment.

National downturn

Nationally, the unemployment rate has risen to a four-year high as job creation grinds to a halt.

The Bureau of Statistics says the unemployment rate rose to 5.8 per cent in August, seasonally adjusted.

The figures come just days after more job cuts were announced in Tasmania’s north-west.

Burnie mining equipment maker Caterpillar said it no longer had work for 60 casual employees because of the mining industry downturn.

On Wednesday, afound retail spending in the state fell by 2 per cent in the June quarter, the fourth decline in the past five quarters.

Those statistics were also the worst in the country.