Monday, September 9, 2013

Defence, G20 and China key for Abbott (AAP) - ( 4U5TR4L14 )

Restoring defence funding, re-energising the G20 and adding more substance to Australia’s relationship with China should be among the Abbott government’s top foreign policy priorities.

That’s according to analysts at the Lowy Institute, who also urge Prime Minister-elect Tony Abbott and his team to work more closely with China in the South Pacific, and take a “measured” approach to people smuggling.

The Sydney-based think tank has issued a paper setting out what it thinks should be the five key international priorities occupying the minds of Mr Abbott and his likely foreign minister, Julie Bishop.

Lowy says Australian foreign policy faces a range of challenges and opportunities.

“The new Australian government has a choice,” the paper says.

“Get out on the front foot and pursue these challenges and opportunities with ambition; or adopt a defensive posture and hope that the country can duck the economic and strategic bouncers that will almost inevitably head its way in coming years.

“In our view the new government should be ambitious – although that ambition should be mixed with good doses of humility and realism.”

The paper argues the coalition government must restore “focus and funding” to defence policy, by answering fundamental questions about what it wants the Australian Defence Force to do, and then funding its capabilities accordingly.

It says the G20, which groups together the world’s 20 largest national economies, should be a key focus particularly during Australia’s 2014 chairmanship.

“Key Australian ministers, including the Prime Minister, will need to commit time and energy to improve the way the G20 functions and ensure that its agenda is focused and relevant,” the paper says.

Lowy says the coalition should also be ambitious about the Australia-China relationship, and seek to add substance to the so-called “strategic dialogue” the Labor government established with the rising Asian power.

They also argue Australia should work with China in the Pacific Islands to mitigate some of the problems caused by China’s aid program.

Finally, the paper urges the government to adopt a set of key principles to tackle people smuggling in a measured and sustainable way.