Friday, September 13, 2013

Qld Chief Justice speaks on parole abuse and injecting rooms (ABC) - ( 4U5TR4L14 )

Queensland’s Chief Justice Paul de Jersey says he believes some prisoners are abusing the parole system, and voiced support for drug injecting rooms.

The State Government is considering whether to scrap the right of prisoners to a judicial review of unfavourable parole board decisions.

In a wide-ranging interview airing tonight, Chief Justice de Jersey has told 7.30 Queensland presenter Matt Wordsworth that while some inmates have not been slow in asking the courts to intervene, he backs laws allowing judges to review parole board decisions.

Justice de Jersey also spoke in favour of state-controlled injecting rooms for heroin users.

“I think there is a lot to be said by trying to wean heroin addicts off their habits by some sort of controlled provision under the state authority to them,” he said.

The state’s senior judge went on to say that he believes suspended sentences are an effective deterrent against crime.

A review of Queensland’s sentencing laws is underway, with the State Government considering scrapping court-ordered parole and suspended sentences.

Justice de Jersey says he believes allowing judges to suspend all or some of a person’s jail term appears to discourage repeat offending.

G20 court closure

He has revealed that Queensland’s Supreme Court system will close for a week in November next year when the G20 Leaders Summit comes to Brisbane.

He says that is because police are being diverted from regular duties to cover the summit.

But Justice de Jersey says it will have little impact on the court’s case load.